Duff resides in Spokane, with wife Judy, Mitzi and Maya the mini-Dachs and Piper Queen Elizabeth Warren Cordelia IV (Piper) our Golden Doodle.

A ham for over 60 years, Duff enjoys all aspects of the hobby with CW his FAV. Two years ago Duff started teaching for the Long Island CW Club (LICW) .Some 4000 members dedicated to teaching  Morse Code.  More on LICW in the CW Section of the site.

Other interests include aviation (commercial pilot) RC aircraft (gliders and thermal soaring) and computers with Linux and the quintessential Raspberry Pi and MMDVM hotspots.  3D printing too. See the page elsewhere. 

Need help, want to chat, you can find Duff on D-Star reflector 29A. E-Mail? Sure,
Till next we meet, dah dah dit dit dit / dit dit dit dah dah

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